
quinnow1 avatar image
quinnow1 asked

Correct method for charging battery with shunt installed?

Just bought and installed the Smartshunt 500A IP65 on my Lithium 100AH battery I use for a trolling motor. Before I installed the shunt I use to use a charger with Alligator clips and do the normal positive to pos and negative to Neg.

Do I now hook those clips as positive to Pos on the battery and negative to the load lug on the shunt?

Also, will I have to recalibrate every time I recharge the battery? Unless I did something wrong, while charging it is not changing data in the app as far as charge percentage.

Thanks in advance for any help.

battery chargingSmartShunt
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The negative goes onto the shunt (charger load side).

The shunt will synchronise when left on charge by itself if settings are correct (but they have to be really badly out for it not to happen).

Synchronisation is described in the manual here

First charge will always have -- by the way until the synchronisation is done.

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