
davidb avatar image
davidb asked

EasySolar 11 GX screen dead

I have an EasySolar 11 GX 24/3000/70 in my caravan. the system has 300Ah lithium storage and 1.25Kw solar. The system is new, it has been operating for 2 months no problems at all. Today I could not connect to the remote console and then noticed that the screen on the EasySolar is dead. The inverter is still working. On the victron connect app the easysolar in not showing on the device list, the 250/70 MPPT and the smart shunt appear on the device list. The easysolar wifi is not working, thus can not connect to remote console. I have powered the system down, pressed the reset button on the EasySolar, still not working. Any ideas please.

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Sounds like a problem with the GX module, you should contact your seller/installer.

2 |3000

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