
hippy avatar image
hippy asked

Cerbo S GX temperature


I know the Cerbo S GX doesn't have an analog input for the temperature sensor, but I had an idea.

Could I plug the temperature sensor into the SmartShunt, which is connected via VE Direct to the Cerbo, and connect a fan to the Cerbo's relay output and control it that way?

Could it work this way??

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

The temperature sensor for the SmartShunt is combined with the positive battery connection that powers the SmartShunt and provides the battery voltage reading. This means that as delivered, the SmartShunt temperature sensor can only measure the battery temperature. You could mount the temperature sensor somewhere else by adding a long positive wire from the battery to the sensor. You would need to fuse this extension wire. You would need to insulate the temperature sensor lug and make sure it never touched anything connected to the battery negative. A long positive extension could impact on the accuracy of the voltage measurement. The SmartShunt temperature sensor is wired completely differently to the Cerbo temperature sensor.

I do not know if that temperature is accessible for the relay, I expect it is but have not confirmed. You could always use a Bluetooth Ruuvi sensor.

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