
richardc-1 avatar image
richardc-1 asked

Quattro 12/3000 turn charger off but pass through AC

When I have a limited input available I would like to pass the AC through the Quattro but turn off the charger so I'm not using any of the limited input for charging. Is this possible?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

Set the charge current to zero?

1 comment
2 |3000

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richardc-1 avatar image richardc-1 commented ·
Thanks Cardy, unfortunately changing charge current would have to be done by dip switches every time which isn't feasible in my installation and I think the minimum is 25% anyway. I'm surprised there doesn't appear to be a simple feature to disable charging while maintaining AC passthrough.
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