So I have a Blue Smart IP22 Charger with a LiFePO4 battery. The charger charges the battery up to 14.2V then after some absorption time goes into float at 13.5V. Fine - except that every where I look says to NOT use float with lithium. So, with that in mind:
- Do I leave float enabled or not?
Answered. Leave float ON for Lifepo4 Batteries. Reason - @Justin Cook "The old "never float" argument tends to be a regurgitation of arguments from 15-20 years ago before anyone really understood how the chemistry works, and is usually no longer relevant."
1a. What float voltage should I set the charger at? (The battery spec says 14.6V charge and 13.8V storage)
Unanswered. When float is done (or if I disable float) it goes straight into storage voltage mode.
2a. Should I turn this off?
2b. Is there a way to turn it off?
2c. What voltage should storage voltage be set at?
Unanswered.BatterySafe - Keep on or off?
Unanswered.What absorption time do I use?
Yes, yes - I know this has been asked a million times before - but the more I look on this forum and elsewhere on the web the more answers I find and the more confuse I get. It seems no-one has a straight answer.