
grua avatar image
grua asked

Node-RED Control PV Inverter Limit doesn't work on Fronius SYMO

Tried to limit PV Inverter to e.g. 3000 W via:

PV Inverter Control

This node is for setting information into the PV inverter.

Power limit (W), dbus path: /Ac/PowerLimit, type float

But it doesn't work as expected. I thought the PV production would be limited to 3000W, but it isn't. What are possible reasons?:


ID: b827eb273733

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·


Moved to modifications as it's a Node-RED question

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1 Answer
markus-001 avatar image
markus-001 answered ·

check the Fronius settings, Dynamic power reduction might be set to

No limit or set to use percentage instead of watts

2 |3000

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