
desirerving avatar image
desirerving asked

Lynx Distributor Power connection options.

I am in the process of installing my system and see the Lynx Distributor has the power connections on the left side. However, in my application, the battery connection will be accessed from the right side. Does it matter which side of the unit I connect the power to or does it need to flow from left to right? Also, the fuses that are Sold on Amazon are 32 and 48 volt fuses. I need a 100 and 125 amp fuses for a 12 volt system. Where do I find high quality fuses? Thanks in advance. John

lynx distributor
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Orientation of Lynx Modules, from the manual:

Fuses rated to 32v indicates the maximum voltage of the fuse, which means they're fine for 12v. Victron's own MEGA fuses are perfect, and cheap.

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