
giless avatar image
giless asked

Mulitplus 12/3000/120 drops "Grid" power when Air Conditioner starts on Generator

Multiplus "Grid" will not stay on when being powered by generator when Air Conditioner is turn on and ramps of the "Watts".

1. Multiplus will charge batteries and run other loads (Microwave) when powered by Generator or shore power.

2. Multiplus will run Air Conditioner on Battery power or shore power. Air Conditioner has a "Soft Start".

3. Multiplus powers off after the load ramps up, when I turn on the Air Conditioner on powered by Generator power.

4. Generator runs fine and provides the Multiplus with 121 volts @ 60 Hz and what ever amps is required to charge the batteries. I have the Multi plus set to charge at 29 amps and the generator has no problem providing this. The Multiplus provides power to everything fine except the Air Conditioner.

5. If I have another load 1100 Watts (Tested with heat gun), the Air Conditioner starts and runs fine, no issues.

Any Ideas what needs to be changed.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerGeneratoraircondition
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4 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Try enabling 'dynamic current limiter'. Stay connected to the multi with the PC while attempting to start the aircon while on generator power. Ve.config will show you why the multi disconnects. Most likely low voltage. Dynamic current limiter should help with this issue. If you continue to have issues you might look into one of these...


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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Do you have 'wide input range' selected as well as 'dynamic current limiter'? What are the low voltage AC input settings? What size generator? If you can post up screen shots of the configuration pages of the multi would be helpful

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giless avatar image
giless answered ·

Accept wide input frequency range (45-65Hz) is selected.
Dynamic current limiter is not selected.

The low voltage AC input settings are:


My generator is an Cummins Onan QG 4000 RV, with a 4000 Watt capacity.



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giless avatar image
giless answered ·

@derrick thomas that seems to have resolved my issue. Thank you for all the help.

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