OK I know how this sounds and honestly I would rather not fiddle with stuff but there is a need, at least I cant find a way to do two things I want/need to do.
Easysolar 5000 / BYD 13.8
1. I want the system to recognise when the generator is running, which it dose, and clock up runtime, which it dosnt. Moreover I dont want it clocking up runtime when the generator call is on but the generator isnt... Call me picky!
2 I want to switch on a dump load, water heater, when the string voltage is high, indicating there is more sun than I am currently charging the battery with... Ideally this load will be variable so I would like an analouge or data output. (MQTT and an external uP may fix this)
I realise that there will probably be many ways these things could be done and perhaps more importantly I also realise I have no idea what objects/handles/data are available.
I want to keep this as simple as possible but code and complexity dont worry me.
SO... speciffics
Can I / Should I try to build an assistant?
If so, what resource is available and what tools are required.
Is the CCGX a better option/platform? It is after all talking to everything already.
Again, what resource is available and what tools are required. and in he case of the CCGX, can it command relays/outputs in other devices or external modules.
I havent found much, actually any, info on this subject and it seems like there are plenty of folk who could use aditional automation... Happy to share if it will help.
How hard can it be?