
aurel avatar image
aurel asked

Charging despite SOC treshold

I have a boat system with a Lynx BMS, a couple of Smart Lithium batteries and a Multi Solar RS. The SOC threshold in the BMS settings is set to 70%.

Now, I discharged the battery to 95% and upon connecting to shore power, the Multi RS Solar starts charging the battery to 100% again.

I was expecting that it would not initiate a new charge cycle until the SOC hits 70%. Could someone please explain?

Thank you.

battery chargingSOCMulti RSlynx bms
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What are the settings on the RS exactly ? That is the one deciding to charge or not...

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aurel avatar image
aurel answered ·

Thank you @alexandra. Ok, I understand that the RS (or probably any charger) will override the BMS setting, that is helpful. I will manage the RS settings next time I am on my boat.

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Related Resources

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Mutli RS Solar Datasheet

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