
Jonathan Walton avatar image
Jonathan Walton asked

VRM Graph Says Loading

img-2160.pngImage CaptionI have an installation on my VRM account and from my own phone I can see all of the information about the site absolutely no problem. If I try to share the site with someone however, they can only see the live data, the graph just shows “loading”. I have shared the site to multiple people and I have the same issue with all of them, whilst I can still see all the data from my phone no problem. I have updated the Cerbo firmware but the issue still remains. The first screenshot is from my own iPhone and the second screenshot is from other phones I have shared the site to. Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks


VRMvrm bug
img-2160.png (203.7 KiB)
img-6647.png (104.8 KiB)
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Jonathan Walton

Thanks for the report, I've asked the VRM team to have a look

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