
wiringocd avatar image
wiringocd asked

UPS function causing interuption

I am having trouble with the UPS function. When disconnecting from 50Amp shore power the inverters work seamless. But when the generator is running and it shuts off the inverters shut down for about 20 seconds before restoring power. Why is the the UPS function causing this to happen only with the generator.


2 quattro II 12/3000 2x120 only using one leg in and out of each inverter

Shore power wired to AC in 1

Generator power wired to AC in 2

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerups
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

When running off generators it's usually necessary to turn off the UPS function. Have a look at:

But given your described condition of the behavior, I'd check the wiring and the rest of the system programming as well - could be that the generators are spiking voltage or something like that when they get shut off which could cause the Quattros to shut down briefly in protection mode or... something. I'd have a professional get his/her eyes on the system in person to watch and measure everything that's happening when the condition occurs and go from there in troubleshooting.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Is there a GX device in the system? Like Justin has stated, I have seen this happen in systems utilizing UPS when manually shutting down the generator. If there is a gx device you can avoid this issue by enabling the cooldown feature in the generator control, and use the GX to start/stop the generator.

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

There is also settings. So did you also do the settings such as LOM and accept wide frequency for the generator.

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