Hello. I recently bought a Cerbo GX along with a VM-3P75CT meter which I use as the brains of our house. As of yet, there are no Multiplus II (or other inverter/chargers and batteries) installed but do have a Growatt MOD 8K 3 phase grid tie inverter and soon a fronius inverter.
The cerbo is used for monitoring and node-red to control how and where the power to things are used.
I have a shelly 3em which is integrated into venus os with a custom driver. This reports well and has functioned without issue. I have however noted a strange behaviour the last couple of days where the "calculated ac load" behaves quite strange when the house load is smaller than the pv-inverter is producing.
There are two behaviours:
1. PV-inverter power > house load.
2. PV-inverter power < house load.
For case 1, the value read by the shelly meter, e.g. 2496 W overwrites the house load such that the house load is equal to the pv-inverter. However, If you look at the AC input you can clearly see that the acutal house load is smaller as we are exporting power to the grid.
For case 2, the value read by the shelly meter does exactly as expected. That combines with the reading of the grid meter to correctly calculate the house load.
When I think about it, this was not the case a couple of days ago and as such I am starting to think this might be due to an update to either the 3.32 of the cerbo or the 1.06 of the grid meter.
Anyone else have any idea of why this behaviour is happening?
Btw, where do you find the release notes for each update? Do not seem to find it at github/releases