
newfiestang50 avatar image
newfiestang50 asked

Can the Multiplus 12/2000/80 communicate over bluetooth

Good day.

So is there a way to view and change parameters of the Multiplus 12/2000/80 over bluetooth using the Victron connect app like I do with my Victron Smart Solar charge controller?

I see it has a VE.Bus port but dont see a BT dongle that can be purchased for this port directly.

Is is possible to connect the Multi to the Smart Solar charger and view that way?


victron communityVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart DongleVE.Bus Smart Dongle
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4 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Not natively.

Fairly clearly explained in the manuals.

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newfiestang50 avatar image
newfiestang50 answered ·

Well i wouldnt say its clearly explained, it dont mention BT i know, thus my reason for asking. The third sentence is more of what i am looking for clarification on.

I find it hard to believe that Victron dont have a solution to view load on inverter, current, voltage, etc and other basic parameters when their solar controllers are so intuitive but maybe im wrong.

I know I can by a GX device to view this remotely but then i think i need a cellular connection, which we dont have either. Just want to view parameters locally. Thanks

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Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

View: Yes, the dongle that Nick linked above.

Change: No, that requires a wired connection.

Connect to solar charger: No, not at all.

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newfiestang50 avatar image
newfiestang50 answered ·

Ok understood.

Can the Multi be controller over BT with the Cerbo GX I wonder?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·
No, the connection between a MultiPlus and a Cerbo is wired using an RJ45 UTP cable connected to the VE.Bus port of the Multi and the VE.Bus port of the Cerbo.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Also documented in the Cerbo manual. Blueteeth only for initial setup and select IOT (Ruuvi, Mopeka) devices.
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