
Dan Birkbeck avatar image
Dan Birkbeck asked

MultiPlus II and SCS with DVCC


I haven't been able to find any other posts on this topic.

The Cerbo GX manual states that with DVCC, SCS (Shared Current Sense) only applies to the Orion XS and connected MPPT solar charge controllers. It makes no mention of any VE Bus connected Inverter/chargers though.

This feature forwards the battery current, as measured by a battery monitor connected to the GX device, to all connected solar chargers and Orion XS DC-DC battery chargers.
Both can be configured to use the battery current for its tail current mechanism that ends absorption when the current is below the configured threshold.

My question is, is SCS communicated across all charging sources including the inverter/charger?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerDVCC
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Dan Birkbeck

Usually the inverter is also included.

What and how things are controlled depends on several things.

1. Is is can managed battery (and is supported officially)?

2. ESS or non ess system?

There are tables further down that explains the effects of DVCC on each component

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