
delf67 avatar image
delf67 asked

Unable to update firmware through VRM over Starlink (Error 1392)


I have been unable to view/ update firmware through VRM since switching my home ISP to Starlink. It worked fine under my previous ISP and the rest of VRM works without issue.

The process stalls while retrieving a list of devices:


Then gives the following error.


Remote console works fine, so it's not a problem with two-way comms and nothing else in the system or network has changed, just my ISP.

Also getting this error with VictronConnect app over VRM:


Ideas anyone?

vrm firmware update
list-devices.jpg (42.7 KiB)
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Update the GX through the remote console.

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delf67 avatar image delf67 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

that worked.

And having updated the Cerbo to V3.32 the regular VRM Firmware update now works for all of my other devices too!

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

am using starlink currently its a gen3 starlink dish - without issue doing remote updates to 99% of my sites.

however I have got ONE site giving me that same issue you have, I have tried connecting via local wifi and mobile wifi for this site but still cant update, however I can update if I connect locally at the site in question, I suspect its something to do with the router setting at that particular site, I have still not fingered the exact issue yet.

i see that the cerbo gx latest fw 3.32 has some fixes in this area. however I did upgrade this site to 3.32 but it did not solve the issue.

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delf67 avatar image delf67 commented ·
Thanks for your response.

I'm on Starlink Gen 2. I tried to update both locally and remotely but neither had worked.

I managed to update my Cerbo to V3.32 via remote console as suggested by Alexandra above, and now the firmware update is working again, so I guess V3.32 certainly did have a fix.

The Starlink router doesn't seem to have much in the way of settings to configure, so I was at a bit of a loss.

Good luck with your site.

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