Hy there.
I am reading the forum up and down and looking into all kind of docus on the victron pages but I can't find the answers to my plan.
I do have an ESS System, with a 48 V Battery System. Grid Connected and up and running :)
I am using an Active BMS System from Autarctech.de . Sadly, they do not support Victron directly so I have to write my own logic for that.
So this is, how I will do that.
I do have a small controller (Raspberry PI) connected to the Serial Interface of the BMS Systems and fetiching all datas.
Today I actively write SOC and other things (GridSetPoint) to the CCGX using ModbusTCP....
I want to implement a ready to use ModbusTCP Server, using the right Registers, that the CCGX accepts it as BMS an polls data from it.. (like the SUNSPEC protocols for my SolarEdge Inverts, who are working fine).
So my question here is:
- is there a Registerlist, that the CCGX needs? (where do I have to publish what values)
- what settings do I have to make in the ESS configuration on my MultiPlus II
Please give me some Hint's, Docus, Information...
In future I am going to build more of these Systems, therefore I am very grateful for your help.
many thanks