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lwysocki asked

EV Charging Station - single phase - selecting which phase (e.g. home L2 to act as EVSE L1)

I've looked through manual and forum not seeing an answer.
ESS 3 phase system at home.

I've got an electric car with single phase charger on board. To keep my power usage at home balanced between phases, I need to charge the car on phase 2 or 3.

As car charger itself always pulls power just from L1 (even the type2 socket in car just has 1 line pin present :) ) ... I would need to connect the Charging station L1 to home L2 or L3.

I'm sure this would work at physical level,

HOWEVER I'm worried that system data on power usage would be wrong.

That is charging station would report to cerbo L1 usage data for charge WHILE L2 multiplus-II / meter would see and report the actual L2 power usage (power used for charging).

At the same time charging station would wrongly look at L1 PV production surplus (instead of L2/L3) to calculate allowed charging power (if using PV only).

Is this assumption correct?

If so can charging station be configured (assuming 3 phase install) with information on logical L1,2,3 to actual e.g. L,2,3,1 mapping ?
Or at least in case of single phase installation to select that charging station L1 is connected to home L2 or L3 ?

-- Lukas

ESSev charging station
2 |3000

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If you want the reports to be correct, you can power the evcs through l2, but some small changes are needed on the inside. I can guide you if necessary. Otherwise, you can power it on L1, everything will work just fine, only the evcs reports will be incorect regarding power consumption per phase.

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lwysocki avatar image lwysocki Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Your response made me take a look at photo of "inside" of the charging satation.

Yeah this looks like just a matter of changing the wires.

Probably changing the ones going into the type 2 socket is easiest and would result in correct reporting on L2 (re-connected to Type2 L1 pin).

If so,
thank you Lucian !

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