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3db asked

EV Charging Station for use outside Victron ecosystem

Hello from Australia.

I really like the look of the Victron EV Charging Station and the price point is good, but I'm wondering if it will work well with an existing grid-connect PV system that does not have any other Victron components? I am particularly interested in the ability to divert excess solar that would otherwise be exported to the grid to my EV battery like the MyEnergi Zappi.

I also like the idea that it could do 3-phase to 1-phase smart switching when PV generation gets low so that it could work down to 6A single phase. I heard this might be coming in a firmware upgrade soon?

Also perhaps OCPP compatibility to allow interaction with other devices. This would be handy to prevent the EV being charged by a home battery.

Finally, is IP44 enough ingress protection to house it outside and not worry about moisture getting in?

Thanks for any thoughts you might have on these questions!


ev charging station
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@3db It can only be used in manual and standalone mode if there is no GX device. Don't overlook the cost of adding a dedicated earthing rod or PEN fault detection etc. if required by your grid operators. Out of the box it is intended to integrate with a Victron system and for anything else you will very much be on your own.

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