
sergiy avatar image
sergiy asked

Extra Multiplus for charging

I have 30K 3-phase system with Quattros, PV are connected with RS 450/100.
I want to use small single phase generator to provide energy to my batteries in case of black-holes, because it's more silent, than huge 3-phase machines.
My plan is Multi RS Solar 48/6000/100-450/80, connected to the same battery bank, with generator on it's input.
My questions are:
- Can I connect that "extra" Multiplus to the same VE.Bus, or USB connection is preferred?
- Can Cerbo tread that "extra" Multiplus like RS 450/100?
- Is it better to use two Cerbos, with one battery bank?

multiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi you can use an extra multi for charging,

but it can not communicate with your current system/GX device, not on usb or ve

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sergiy avatar image sergiy commented ·
I'm going to try with MK3-USB

Expected, GX will read data from extra multi - but will not control it, this is exactly what I want.
Why not?

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Fideri avatar image Fideri sergiy commented ·

Interested to know what data is available to the GX from the extra multi before I also attempt the connection.


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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL sergiy commented ·

@Sergiy the mk3 is not possible, thats for programming the inverters ...

see also:

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Fideri avatar image Fideri Duivert NL commented ·
@Duivert NL

I have read multiple times on this forum that you connect the second multi via MK3 permanently but this is not standard and the usual caveats apply.


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sergiy avatar image sergiy commented ·
You are right.

In my experiments, GX does not see extra Multi with MK3-USB

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sergiy avatar image sergiy sergiy commented ·
Also I fail with

My new Multi RS Solar 48/6000 has port - but not supported by Cerbo.
It will be nice to have this ability in future versions of software.

I got only software version and serial by
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Fideri avatar image Fideri sergiy commented ·


That's weird. Maybe the MK3 connection only applies to "classic" multis and quattros? Someone from Victron or someone who has actually done this, can clarify?

@Matthias Lange - DE I think among many others suggested it.


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janieronen avatar image
janieronen answered ·

I solved one similar installation by adding additional shunt to GX which measures only additional charging & usage from new multi. Shunt type can be changed in example DC-load or generator and then you have all energy calculations in one GX. Also you can use current GX to control small genset or multi by using I/O signals.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL commented ·
thats is good creative solution!
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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
I don't have a shunt at the moment but that's a very interesting idea. I was thinking of using a meter but a shunt might even be better.


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sergiy avatar image
sergiy answered ·

Sorry for my stupidity.
That modern Multi - Multi RS Solar 48/6000 Hybrid Inverter - has not VE.bus, like "classic" multis.
It's VE.Can !
(And that's why was not seen by MK3-USB)

With CAN, it's work very well with Cerbo.
I can control device and see all data on VRM, also by MQTT.
Nice machine.
And very suitable for this role - charge batteries from weak genset.

It's not "inverter/charger with additional MPPT" - it's "MPPT with additional inverter/charger" ;)

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