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guido77 asked

Update firmware multiplus

I have a Multiplus 12/3000/120-16. It is is connected to a cerbo using ve.bus. firmware version is 143. I bought it second hand. It works well..

The cerbo is at firmware level 3.31. I have a connection in the vrm portal. When I go to devices I can go to firmware update. Vrm tells me that a firmware version is available. Product Id 1909, Id /dev/ttys4, serial number unknown, installed v143, latest v209 and updateble is telling me 'not updatable (1342). Does anyone know how to solve this? I think I should buy a MK3 usb adapter to update it with my laptop. Am I correct or does anyone have another quicker or cheaper solution?

Ve.bus version is 1909143

The reason I would like to update the machine is because I think the firmware is much older than the firmware from the other devices. The others are a cerbo, mppt, Lynx distributor, smartshunt, Orion.

I live in The Netherlands on Marken. I can see Almere from my house :-)

multiplus ve.bus
2 |3000

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