
henkasaur avatar image
henkasaur asked

Battery module offline


I have an installation that is about a year or two old now. Everything has been smooth sailing but lately I noticed an alarm Battery Monitor [512] - High voltage alarm: Alarm.

I have seen a lot of posts about this, but one thing I did notice is that one of my battery modules in the remote console is offline.

Can anyone tell me if this is normal or something wrong on my side?


batteryoffline.jpg (56.9 KiB)
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3 Answers
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi @Henkasaur

All the info is in that picture...

Battery module no.2 is offline and is blocking charge, because one of its cells, specifically cell 9, has a much higher voltage than the others. A difference of 0.141V, in respect with the lowest voltage cell, is way to much for a balanced module.

Generally, this is happening, because that cell, slowly, during time, became out of balance with the others. Could be charging/discharging cycles with high currents or shallow discharges.

Depending on the type of battery, there are procedures to try to rebalance that module.

You will find those procedures on the online Victron documentation.

A good place to start is here:


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henkasaur avatar image
henkasaur answered ·

Thank you.

I have the Freedom Won kW batteries.

Will start having a look.

I noticed the battery went online again as soon as the solar panels were not providing power anymore.

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danielj avatar image
danielj answered ·

Hi @Henkasaur.

Having worked quite a bit with the Freedom Won Etower batteries(which I assume these are) this is a typical issue.

The easiest to get the batteries back in balance would be to keep the system in keep batteries charged until the cell voltages are within 10mv of each other again. this process can take a couple of days to balance out the batteries however.

If they refuse to balance out it could also be a problem with the internal parameters of the BMS. For this you would have to contact freedom won support to log into the battery's and change these parameters. it is unlikely to be this however as these problems usually pop up from the start, but it is something to keep in mind.

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