
niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg asked

MPPT 100/20 recovers super slowly from shadow

Hi everyone,

this is my first post in the community. Hope you can help me.

I have two MPPT 100/20s in my RV. Both are connected to a 430Wp panel each. Both have the latest firmware, same configuration and are connected parallel to the battery. They are controlled externally via a Cerbo GX.

I have noticed a strange behavior on highway traveling. When I cross a regular car bridge the panels experience „zero“ radiation for a short moment. Power goes down to 2-3W. While the one MPPT is back to full power within 1-2 seconds, the other needs 15 second or longer. It sticks to 2-3W, PVin voltage is maxed out, but no current. The result is, that if I do a long highway trip I have 30-50% less yield per day.

Do you have any idea how to fix this?

Thanks a lot i advance,


MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

img-2298.jpegsome other example. low light conditions. driving through forest roads and parking close to the trees. half hemisphere shadowed. one MPPT stays on low power, the other one needs 11 minutes to produce power again.

img-2298.jpeg (180.0 KiB)
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niklas-schauberg avatar image
niklas-schauberg answered ·

problem solved with firmware 1.6.4

I left the other one at 1.6.3 to have a comparison. the suspicious one is now even quicker than the fast one.


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