
Charles Godwin avatar image
Charles Godwin asked

configuration for winter

I am planning on installing an EasySolar-II GX or perhaps one or two MultiPlus-II 2x 120V at my off-grid cottage. This will replace a 30 year old system.

Currently, when I shut down for the winter I have shut off main solar panels with DC breakers and had a large breaker to completely remove all power from my Inverter/charger. I maintain battery charge in the winter with a small auxiliary solar panel that sheds snow and trickle charges the batteries.

when I switch a Victron unit to OFF is that really an off and no current is taken from the battery, or will i need to include a main disconnect in my planning?

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Not sure, but you should have a fuse between battery and multiplus. Just remove that.

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Charles Godwin avatar image
Charles Godwin answered ·

I have a breaker on existing system. I'll use that. fuses/ breakers don't show up in the victron diagrams i've seen.

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