I have a small off grid pv system (300 W peak). My current inverter (Mean Well TS-1000) works well, but has a fairly high idle consumption (20 W) when in on state. It has a saving mode, probably similar to the Phoenixs ECO mode. The problem with the saving mode is, that it does not reliable detect small loads (<5 W). If I connect a small led light bulb only, it switches continuously on and off and causes the light to blink with a with a ~1s interval. This is very annoying and renders the saving mode useless for me.
I was considering to replace it with a Victron Phoenix 12/800 or 12/1200 with VE.Direct, as it seems to have a much lower idle consumption. However, I have read in the manual (page 6), that the inverter has an even higher minimum load of 15W to return from ECO mode.
Therefore, I have the following two questions:
- Can you confirm that the minimum load really cannot be set lower than 15W?
- Will I therefore experience a similar blinking with my LED bulb as a have described above?
Thank you for any advice!