
madisonzim avatar image
madisonzim asked

VRM consumption graph showing wrong accumulation

Maybe it`s just my system but under VRM installation data -consumption- last 30d/last 365d, the figures shown are all wrong, Cant remember when it started but all values started counting backwards, messing up calculated solar/battery values in numbers and percentages. My system has not used any grid power for the last 21 days or so, yet the percentages and KWh for grid consumption are going up and vice versa accumulated KWh and percentages for solar and battery is going down. Doesn't make any sense? Anyone experiencing the same anomaly?

vrm bug
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Please don't use the Victron logo as profile picture.
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


To separate if it is a vrm issue or a setting issue a few things can be checked in way of diagnosis.

Is the system set up for use for ac in 1 and ac 2? Use of grid or other meters at all?

Download excel sheet check the figures and contents there. If data in there is wrong its an issue with user settings in the gx, or a bug. If data in there is ok, then its a visualisation bug in vrm

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madisonzim avatar image madisonzim commented ·

Thanks for the swift reply. Yes System is ESS configuration with AC1 in being a genset and AC2 in the grid. The latter has been manually switched off for the past 21 days or so due to sunny conditions and perfect PV yields. No PV inverters or additional meters, nor feeding back into the grid enabled. Will download data as advised and let you know findings.Many thanks again.

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madisonzim avatar image madisonzim commented ·

Hi Alexandra, can't really figure this out. The amount of KWh in data sheet (yesterday) PV to consumer, seems correct but I can't see the 43% (412 KWh) of the battery usage anywhere? Bit at a loss but perhaps i am missing something? See cropped picture attached.VRM data 27.05.2024.jpg

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vrm-data-27052024.jpg (286.6 KiB)
madisonzim avatar image
madisonzim answered ·

Rebooting the CCGX did the trick and graphs are now showing correct values and direction. No idea what caused it in the first place though.

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