
mattyroo avatar image
mattyroo asked

Extra Digital Inputs

On a catamaran I have 4 bilge pumps, we have each wired to a digital input and thus no more DI slots available.

We want to add a motion detector for security, which requires a digital input. Is there any device available that allows expansion of the Digital Inputs? I note that there are a few requests for the GX Tank 140 to also be able to support Digital Inputs, but the device still does not currentl support this.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You have 2 options that I can think of. You can add an external relay module with digital inputs via RemoteGPIO package, or look into adding a Shelly digital inputs device and using mqtt with node red. If you are also running Home Assistant, things just got way easier.

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