
mknussma avatar image
mknussma asked

Best method for battery voltage and temperature data to charge controller

Given SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 charge controller, SmartShunt IP65 500 A shunt and LiFePo batteries. Outside of cost, is it best to add Smart Battery Sensor (SBS050150200) or Temperature Sensor for BMV (ASS000100000)? If Smart Battery Sensor is added will there be conflict reading voltage from separate devices? What are the tradeoffs?

Temperature Sensor
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

No there is not conflict, the information from either can be shared in various networks for use in charge control. But your choice depends on the direction you gonin for information sharing.

So the real question is Gx or VE smart network?

I would add the shunt temp sensor unless you want the input for another use on the shunt and possibly plan on adding a GX eventually.

The SBS is a neat option but only has a use in a ve smart network so if you plan on expanding and maybe adding a GX, stick with the shunt temp sensor so the whole system can benefit from the information.

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Related Resources

Victron temperature sensor disambiguation table - which product supports which sensor