
Jeremy Albrecht avatar image
Jeremy Albrecht asked

Orion XS Modbus & Node-Red issues

I have a Cerbo running 3.40~16, and an Orion XS connected to it. Everything seems to work as expected, except inside Node-Red. The "DC-DC" and "DC-DC Control" nodes both give the following error:

There are no dc-dc services available. Please check that a dc-dc is connected or try a different node.

The "Alternator" node does detect the Orion XS and allows me to pull data from it.

I did some testing and discovered if I change the "Function" setting of the Orion XS from "Charger" to "Power supply" then the DC-DC nodes become functional. I also verified in the Modbus TCP / Available Services page that only "com.victronenergy.alternator" is available when the Orion is set to Charger mode, but com.victronenergy.dcdc becomes available when set to Power Supply. This leads me to believe the Node-red issue is really just a symptom of the Modbus service not being advertised when se tt o Charger.

It seems unlikely that this is expected behavior. @mvader (Victron Energy) can you or anyone else comment on this?

Node-REDorion xs
2 |3000

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