
miya avatar image
miya asked

Turn OFF Orion TR Smart 12/12/18 : Using H Pin

Hi All

I want to add a 12/12/18A Orion to charge my starter battery.

I have an Orion XS in place to charge my Lithium.

I want to use the D+ from the Alternator to switch on the Orion XS (to H Pin). And want to use the D+ to switch off the Orion 12/12/18 - stop charging the starter battery.

Is there any way to use the D+ to switch off an Orion - or is the only way to add a relay with H and L pins wired through the NC side - and when the D+ is live - it opens the relay - to stop the Orion ?

Any suggestions to solve this ?



orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Relay, or play around with engine detect, but I don't think you'll get it working.

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