
ako avatar image
ako asked

Missing information

When i came home yesterday i could see my power had been off ,and back on again without any intervention , VRM showed a gap of around 28 mins on everything except the MPPT State which was correctly showing the batteries were in Float from before the outage and continuing through to end of the days charging period as normal , the bar was solid without a break .

I have checked the Munltiplus Warnings and there's nothing showing , the same with the Shunt Battery Warnings and Alarms .

I have over 20 widgets on VRM , none of which are any help Is there any other way to fid the cause or more information what occurred , my system is a very simple basic off grid

multiple inverters
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2 Answers
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

You can download the log from vrm for the time period you are interested in and open it in excel.

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ako avatar image
ako answered ·



Thank you Derrick , i found now where to download the data , unfortunately im not sure what im looking at , the area highlighted fits exactly the gap where i have nothing showing on VRM . I cant see anything to help other than conformation that the inverter had gone off and it wasn't just my router r internet that was the source of the problem .This is the first time i have encountered this issue . From what i can make out it looks as i if the Inverter went off at 12.43 and back on at 13.11 but i cant see any reason for it . I tried to upload the file in the xlsx format but it only says failed to convert .

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