
alderotes avatar image
alderotes asked

How to power a MPPT 75 15 Solar Controller for set up

First time solar controller user. I have the MPPT 75 Smart Solar. How do I power it up so I can use the phone app to set the parameters? I read online that I can't use my benchtop power supply in the PV ports. How do I get power into this thing? Couldn't find anything in the manual or online, so I assume my question is too stupid for anyone else to have asked. It's a blue brick if I can't turn it on :)

MPPT SmartSolar
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Since the unit must be first connected to the battery in any case, this is usually the first step to take, then configure the unit appropriately, and then connect the PV, as described in the user and installation manual:

If you're trying to configure the unit on the bench prior to taking it out to an installation, then just run your power supply, set to the approximate vNom of the intended battery bank, into the battery terminals to power the unit up and complete the configuration.

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alderotes avatar image
alderotes answered ·

That is a phenomenally helpful document, thank you! The manual in the package is such a tiny font that I can't read it even with a magnifying glass (my eyes are going bad). I assumed the unit was powered by the solar inputs which charged the battery, I didn't realize the battery could power the MPPT controller. Apparently, that's such a basic concept that all the YouTube Solar Gurus don't mention it. Many thanks Justin Cook!

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

No problem at all! Anytime you're looking for a nice, readable, up-to-date user manual, you can always go to the main page , click "products", find your product and click on it, then click on "downloads and support" and you'll get manuals, datasheets, all kinds of good stuff :)

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