
philotechnic avatar image
philotechnic asked

Brand new 12/100Ah lithium battery smart. Zero volts. No bluetooth.

Is it normal to receive a new battery in shutdown state? 1 volt and no bluetooth? Is this normal to receive them like this??

I understood the batteries were half charged to keep them in optimum condition. I have a small Victron battery charger 12/7A. I am reluctant to try and charge it at this slow rate. I am hoping to keep this battery going for a long time with all the relevant Victron protection devices. I have designed the system so can add another similar battery when I can afford one in series. Not cheap!

Should I wait until I can charge with my Multiplus Inv/charger which is halfway through installation and not wired up???

Or get a replacement battery.....

Lithium Battery
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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@Philotechnic If your brand new battery has arrived with such a low terminal voltage that the bluetooth does not work, it is broken.

Contact your supplier and ask for a replacement.

What is the build date? (first 4 numbers of the serial #)

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philotechnic avatar image
philotechnic answered ·

HQ21466C34M -full serial number. does that make it 2021?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Yes, year 21 week 46 so November.
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philotechnic avatar image
philotechnic answered ·

Have managed to get it out of sleep mode using 2A setting on Victron 12/7 li ion setting. Been on 7A charge overnight. Total of 14 hours. gone to absorption. cells showing 3.37v. Battery voltage 13.48v temp 29deg ambient 19 deg.

Looks like its knackered!

Thanks klim

What should I be getting from a brand new one?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

@Philotechnic What should I be getting from a brand new one?

Your battery is damaged beyond reliable use.

Could be that the battery has reduced Ah capacity. Could be that a cell has higher than speced self discharge.

LSB manual.

Contact your supplier.

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