
tl67 avatar image
tl67 asked

Pre-charge Lithium Smart 25,6V with SmartSolar

I have a system with

3 x MultiPlus-II 48V, one for each grid-phase

SmartSolar charge controllers

Lynx Smart BMS

and 2 x Lithium Battery Smart 25,6V that I'm going to attach in serial to obtain 48V.

Now I only need to pre-charge the Lithium batteries before I can start the system. The question is how?
One option would be to disassemble the setup and run the SmartBMS and SmartSolar in 24V mode and pre-charge the batteries one by one and then reassemble everything into a 48V system again. I'm not too found of that because it took some quite some time to build the system and I'm a little bit concerned about reprogramming devices from 24V to 48V. Also, it may work initially to run some parts in 24V mode but suppose that I later on will add more batteries to a running system.

However, I do have an older SmartSolar charge controller, MPPT 75/15. The question is if the SmartSolar charge controller is Smart enough to pre-charge the Smart Battery 25,6V without the Smart BMS.

MPPT SmartSolarLithium Battery
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

The SmartSolar MPPT has no idea what battery it's connected to, or if there's a BMS attached - the "Smart" means that there's bluetooth onboard, that's all.

While charging a battery without a BMS connected is never recommended, you can view the full initial charging options for your batteries in the "initial charging" section of the user and installation manual here:

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tl67 avatar image tl67 commented ·
Thanks. Looks like I need to use existing BMS and then reprogram it for 48V usage.
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