
harry-75 avatar image
harry-75 asked

fusion battery can bus or rs485 connection

can i connect my fusion 48v 5.1kva lifpo4 batteries to my cerbo gx via the can bus or rs 485 ports as i have both on my battery's and if i can how do i set it up.

Lithium Battery
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3 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi have you had a look at this:

maybe you can more info there

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

Just because your battery is not on the compatibility list doesn't mean it won't communicate with a Cerbo.

The Cerbo doesn't have a an RS485 port, so CANBMS port would be the one to use (you will need a termination plug in the other CANBMS socket too). You will also need to obtain or make the correct cable as the pin arrangements differ between battery manufacturers (you would have to get that info from Fusion). Personally I would start with trying a Victron type A or B cable. If your battery has dip switches I would try all off to start with, and if that doesn't work then try address 1 (dip no.1 set to on).

The battery should appear in the device list of the Cerbo if it is communicating.

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harry-75 avatar image
harry-75 answered ·

thank you i will try this and see if it works

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