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rod.peel asked

VRM CERBO GX Firmware Update from 3.12 to 3.31 failure?

I have just tried to update my Cerbo Gx firmware from V3.12 to V3.31. The update went very smoothly and the system rebooted successfully. However, despite waiting over 15 minutes my connected Fronius 8.2.1 PV inverter dropped its output from 5 kW to around 40 W despite the panels being in full sun.
Mindful of the phrase 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' I reverted to V3.12 and the PV inverter returned to normal. I am running a system using Dynamic ESS and have 600 Ah (approx 30 kW) of batteries installed and my Vicron inverter is a Quattro 48/5000/70-2x100.
Any ideas why this happened? Should I have any advantage if it is possible to upgrade formware to V3.31?

cerbo gxvrm firmware update
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