
matl avatar image
matl asked

VM-3P75CT pymodbus example

Dear Victron developers & community,
I just ordered and installed a VM-3P75CT Energy Meter and I would like to read data from it via Python pymodbus lib.

As I do not have any modbus experience yet, does anybody have some pymodbus example of reading data from the Victron energy meters?

Thanks and all the best

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1 Answer
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Victron uses this in venus os:

dbus-modbus-client/ at master · victronenergy/dbus-modbus-client (

However it's not a simple example as they split their code to work with various devices. However I imagine a basic google search of how to use pymodbus in addition to the register address information in the link above should get you what you need.

Not the answer you're after but hopefully somewhat useful.

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