
ksmith31 avatar image
ksmith31 asked

Multiplus II HEAVY humm when charger enabled

I have three 48/5000/70 Multiplus II units configured in parallel mode for a on-grid house system.

If I enable ESS, or if I enable the inbuilt Charger, it emits a very heavy HUMM noise. The lights in the house dim and pulse to the noise. I have read multiple posts about noises and I think some noise is normal, but this noise shakes the house. It happens regardless of load.

Any ideas on how to debug or resolve?

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Sounds like there is something wrong with the wiring, did you follow all the steps in the manual:

parallel systems are complex and good wiring (equal lenghts and right cross section) is mandatory to get it work right

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ksmith31 avatar image
ksmith31 answered ·

Thanks. I believe its all perfectly matched with same torque values on all posts etc.

Interestingly it does not occur when I use the Charge Current Control assistant.

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