
Jose Zanon avatar image
Jose Zanon asked

Argofet + blue smart charger + alternator


i am renewing the wiring if my Sail boat, i will have three batteries in two banks starter (one battery) and service (two batteries) the banks will not be connected, i have a argo fet diode and a blue smart ip67 12v charger.

my question is: can i connect to the input of the argofet, both the alternator and the bluesmart charger?, so when connected to marina shore power i will be charging both batteries bank (services and starter) banks, input source will the bluesmart charger and when motor running from the alternator

thank you for your help.

alternatorArgo FET Diodeip65
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2 Answers
cardy01 avatar image
cardy01 answered ·

That's how my boat was configured when I bought it .... worked fine

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Jose Zanon avatar image
Jose Zanon answered ·

hi Cardy01, so i will do it then, thank you.

enjoy your sailing!


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