
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton asked

Modbus read/write suddenly cant find generator device?

Full disclosure, I have been fiddling with a few bits recently and may have inadvertently messed something up!

The issue... I have NodeRed both, reading Generator info and writing the Run/Stop state so that when I start/stop the thing manually, my flow will see the change on AC1 and set the generator state as running or stopped.

This makes the GX display reflect the correct state and also increments the runtime counter when the generator is on.

It has worked just fine for well over 2 years now until very recently...


The Modbus configuration in NodeRed hasn't changed and all other com.victronenergy.xxxx queries are working just fine.

I just looked back at an old post of mine a asking how I might go about doing this in the first place and I cant see anything there that suggests I did anything with other setpoints or configuration.

AC1 is set to generator, which is my only input.

(Multyplus / CCGX / BYD / SmartSolar)

Modbus TCPd-bus
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1 Answer
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

Update... Just in case anyone else is as silly as me... Or cant work out how to do this...

It turns out that in order for a generator device to be defined you have to give it a start method.
Setting AC1 to Generator doesn't define a d-bus Generator device, setting, in my case, the CCGX relay as Generator Start/Stop is what put the device back in the list...


As I wasn't using, or planning to use, the relay to physically control the generator I had remapped it to manual so that I could use it to signal Aux1 on the multi and have a relay assistant mirror the Aux1 state on the AC2 Out relay.

All in all a bit frustrating... My fault for fiddling but also not at all intuitive.

When I first set this up I had been playing with generator control settings for a while and must have inadvertently left the relay configured. Had I not done that the Modbus par would never have worked.

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Modbus TCP Basics

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