
synergyze avatar image
synergyze asked

Multiplus II-GX shuts down under low load


Hey all. I've been trying to work this out for weeks now and can't seem to find a resolution. Hopefully somebody here can help.

I have an off-grid system comprised of the following:

Multiplus II-GX 5000/48

Smart shunt 500a

Smart solar mppt

Poweplus lithium battery bank 12kwh

I have programmed the GX through VE.config and the other devices through Victron Connect with the required settings from Powerplus. The low voltage cutoff on the GX and shunt is programmed to 50.2v, however the multiplus frequently cuts out at voltages higher than that, according to the data I've pulled off the shunt. I've attached screenshots of everything here and wonder if anyone can see something that I can't.

I have recently replaced the multiplus just to see if that made a difference and the issue still occurs.1000004657.jpg1000004656.png1000004659.jpg1000004655.png1000004654.png

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Check your battery, look in the bms history you will more than likely find that a cell is going low and the battery is shutting down.

Usually means the battery will need to be fuul charged and a cell balance done to during all cells upto 3.65 volts. So that they are balanced.

If the batteries bms is connected to the cerbo then check the Min and Max cell voltages. In the vrm

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