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completeelectrical asked

Pylontech UF5000

Hi I've just received a batch of Pylontech UF batteries which were mis-ordered or miscommunicated that I was after US5000. Whilst compatable with Victron in a stand alone situation, I'm not sure if they are compatible with an existing array of US pylontech batteries due to a higher charge voltage. The UF has a charge voltage around 56v whilst the US has around 53v. Does anyone know of a workaround as I have 4 of the UF and 9 of the US

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The UF has 16 cells and the US has 15, you can't use them together in one system.

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delf67 avatar image
delf67 answered ·

It sound like the UF is 16S and the US 15S, so no, it is not possible to use them together in the same system. At any given voltage, the two different battery types would be at completely different SOC.

Edit: Need to type faster!

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completeelectrical avatar image
completeelectrical answered ·

So perhaps my best option will be to split my 3 phase system into a split phase system and run 1 phase on the new battery bank as an individual system

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delf67 avatar image delf67 commented ·

Yes, split phase plus separate sytem would work.

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completeelectrical avatar image completeelectrical commented ·
but i will need to add a additional cerbo or some GX device for monitoring

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