
André Vorster avatar image
André Vorster asked

Fronius Primo connected to the AC out of Multiplus ll

Please assist, I have connected a Fronius Primo 5KW to the output of a Multiplus ll (5KW). Multi has latest firmware. After setting up the PV assistant the Multi is only turning the Primo on to top up the battery bank. I need the Fronius to be online to assist with AC load while the MPPt's take care of the batteries. The Multi has no AC in.

Multiplus-IIAC PV CouplingFronius
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@André Vorster

How is it connected to the system for communication?

Is the fronius itself updated and programmed?

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André Vorster avatar image
André Vorster answered ·

All on the same wifi network and the Fronius is updated to version 35020.

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