
saltybrad avatar image
saltybrad asked

Multiple 12/200 to single battery

I am installing a VE system in our boat. I have purchased all parts and just want a last minute review. I will have twin Mercury V10 motors that have a 150 amp alternator in each motor. I am using a 460 amp epoch battery that has an m8 bms communication system. I need to put the two motors output into one battery. I have a schematic I created. I just want to ensure the 12/200 bms can be daisy chained.screenshot-20240517-183818-onedrive.jpg

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1 Answer
bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

While theoretically this will work I about it has ever been tested or has been considered a valid design setup by Victron.

The shunt in its current location will only ever pick up loads and no charge as the charge connections have gone direct to the battery. A shunt needs to see both charge and load to work, so only the. Batteries should be in one side. You therefore need to move the charging source to flow through the shunt.

The battery control via the M8 connectors is based on continuity, so if a battery signals charge or load disconnect both BMS devices would react. As I say however I am not sure Victron ever designed it so that the circuit with the M8 connectors would ever have two BMS devices.

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