
Craig C Axtell avatar image
Craig C Axtell asked

Multiplus Compact AC Not Connecting w/ Ford EcoBoost

My Multiplus does not connect with my external AC power supply. I have a Ford F-150 EcoBoost with a 2.4kw inverter/generator (Pro Power OnBoard) and a Multiplus Compact 12/2000/80-50 Product 2708. The Multiplus will not connect with the truck inverter/gen power supply. There are no issues with connecting the Multiplus to my residential AC supply. I have the input current limited on the Multiplus to 10 amps and I have tried the ground relay setting in both on and off positions with the most recent firmware version v510. My Victron supplier has stated that the safety features of the F-150 2.4kw inverter/gen and the safety features of the Multiplus are “incompatible”. Are there settings I can change or other suggestions to correct for this disappointing result? Have others experienced this issue? I really would like the truck Pro Power to be able to provide AC power to the Multiplus in my RV. Would there be a different result with a different model of Multiplus?

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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Generally speaking, plugging an inverter/charger (in this case the MultiPlus) into another inverter (in this case, the truck's onboard inverter) doesn't work well, if at all. This has been tried with various brands on each side many times over the past couple of decades.

I'd also very strongly recommend against it just in terms of making sure you're keeping your new truck's warranty intact - or at the very least consult with your Ford dealer to see if your intended use is within the warranty conditions of the truck. Remember, an inverter's output power is not grid power, and does not react like grid power, and so things like a MultiPlus that are designed for grid or actual generator power input won't generally react well to the power output of an inverter - and likewise, the inverter that the MultiPlus is plugged into probably isn't going to like the sort of load that the MultiPlus is trying to put on it.

I don't blame you for trying it, but now that you've seen it doesn't work I'd advise against pursuing it further at least prior to consulting with your Ford dealer.

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