My Multiplus does not connect with my external AC power supply. I have a Ford F-150 EcoBoost with a 2.4kw inverter/generator (Pro Power OnBoard) and a Multiplus Compact 12/2000/80-50 Product 2708. The Multiplus will not connect with the truck inverter/gen power supply. There are no issues with connecting the Multiplus to my residential AC supply. I have the input current limited on the Multiplus to 10 amps and I have tried the ground relay setting in both on and off positions with the most recent firmware version v510. My Victron supplier has stated that the safety features of the F-150 2.4kw inverter/gen and the safety features of the Multiplus are “incompatible”. Are there settings I can change or other suggestions to correct for this disappointing result? Have others experienced this issue? I really would like the truck Pro Power to be able to provide AC power to the Multiplus in my RV. Would there be a different result with a different model of Multiplus?