
hennie-mouton avatar image
hennie-mouton asked

Cerbo Generator Start on AC IN, not AC load

A Quattro 15k, connected to grid (AC IN1) and a generator (AC IN2), and also some solar DC. I want the generator to be started (by the Cerbo) when grid power exceed 85 A, so the generator can help the grid (and solar/battery) to power the load of perhaps 120 A (230V AC). So invertering is not more that 15 kVA, but load power can be much higher.

However, the Cerbo only allows starting on load power.

I understand the 15 k Quattro can handle 15 kVA inverting, PLUS 100 A passthrough; is this correct?

If all above true, how then to tell the Cerbo when to start the generator?

starting generator
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You can not have accepted power from two different power sources on both the ac inputs (ac 1 and ac2) at the same time. The inverter can only synchronise to one.

So choose which one you want as the priority and connect that to AC1. AC2 in is always ignored over ac1 input.

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hennie-mouton avatar image
hennie-mouton answered ·

Of course. I know this! What was I thinking :-(

Thanks Alexandra

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