
ydysd avatar image
ydysd asked

Distinguishing MK2/MK3

Our Victron panel shows MK3 device in MK2 device category. How to understand this?

Accordingly to there is no diff between MK2 and MK3 interfaces. However says that MK2 provides a galvanically isolated serial connection.

So in terms of protocol that they carry they are the same, aren't they?
But in terms of interface they differ, right?


victron productsmk3-usbmk2
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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @ydysd,

For all intents and purposes now, they are the same.

The MK2 has been end of life for at least 5 years now, perhaps longer.

The VE.Bus connection of the GX devices (that internally is referred to as the MK3) is galvanically isolated.

If by some remote chance someone still has an old MK2 - I'd be inclined to replace it first if there was any issues.

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