
ksmith31 avatar image
ksmith31 asked

Data (chunks) missing from VRM

In the last few days I noticed that chunks of data are missing from my VRM. I have never noticed this before.


The missing increments look rather regular, almost as if its intentionally skipping some data. The data is missing from all widgets, not just the Lynx Shunt that is in the screenshot.

Any ideas on how to fix/debug? I have done the basics such as waiting ~24 hours, rebooting the Cerbo, changing the update rate, moving to Ethernet instead of Wireless....

VRMvrm advancedvrm logging
capture.png (27.1 KiB)
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1 Answer
ksmith31 avatar image
ksmith31 answered ·

It appears that the issue was with the Cerbo GX and its automatic restart if data was not logged function. If I watched the data log screen, I could see that the update rate (every minute) was being surpassed, and reaching the reboot time. It would reboot, connect (once?) and then fail again.

No idea what caused it, but a factory reset on the Cerbo GX solved it.

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