
cpt-barbosa avatar image
cpt-barbosa asked

MPPT 100/20 with 48v showing no current

Hi All. I have a 100/20 48v mppt controller connected to two 100w panels in series. The battery is a 48v lithium. The voltage from the panels is +/- 40v. The problem is that no current is generated at all. If I measure right from the panels I got 45v and 4 amp, yet zero amps are being shown or received on the victron app. All connections have been checked and re-checked. What am I missing please?

48volt charging
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aaron-pe4a avatar image aaron-pe4a commented ·
It should be at least 5V above the charging voltage to allow the controller to push in current. If you have a 15 cell 48v LFP (lithium iron phosphate) battery and the battery charges at 52.5V or 53.5V then you'll need 5V more than than to ensure you can fully charge the battery.
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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Hi in order to have a working system, your PV voltage should be at least 5V higher then battery voltage to start the mppt, 45V is to low, should be at least 53V

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Please post a screen shot from VictronConnect showing the first screen. It will probably show a question, something like why is the controller not charging.

Are the panels in series, as you say, or in parallel?

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aaron-pe4a avatar image
aaron-pe4a answered ·

It should be at least 5V above the charging voltage to allow the controller to push in current. If you have a 15 cell 48v LFP (lithium iron phosphate) battery and the battery charges at 52.5V or 53.5V then you'll need 5V more than than to ensure you can fully charge the battery.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Not quite. Panel voltage needs to reach actual battery voltage +5V for charging to start, and needs to remain more than 1V above battery voltage for charging to continue.
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cpt-barbosa avatar image
cpt-barbosa answered ·

Ok great. Thanks all. Have ordered more panels and will update once installed.

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